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Posted by SoarEagle
Jun 30, 2022

Glock 19 Gen5 vs Glock P80: What's The Best Gun For You?

Let’s face it: there are tons of gun options out there. With so many different guns to pick from, it can be overwhelming for a new shooter to decide which gun is right for them. In this article we’ll compare two of the most popular guns on the market: Glock 19 Gen5 and Glock P80. Both of these pistols are great options for concealed carry and general use, but they each have their own set of pros and cons that may make one stand out over the other in your eyes. Keep reading to learn more about these two guns.

What’s So Great About The Glock 19?

The 19 was one of the first Glock models introduced to the public. It’s been around for decades, and it’s proven to be a very reliable gun that’s stood the test of time. If you’re looking for a gun that’s tried and true, the 19 is a great choice. The 19 offers 18+1 rounds of 9mm in a very compact package. It’s a great option for those who want more firepower than a .380 but don’t want to go with the higher capacity of a .45. It’s lightweight and easy to conceal, making it a great option for both new and experienced shooters. The Glock 19 is also very affordable.

What’s So Great About The Glock P80?

The P80 is a great option for those who like the simplicity of Glock but want a few more features. The P80 has an enlarged mag release button, an ambidextrous slide release, and a larger frame than the Glock 19. This added size makes it easier to handle and gives you a better grip. If you have larger hands, this is a great feature. The P80 also has a standard Glock trigger pull and reset. If you’re trying to improve your accuracy and want to know where the bullet is going, this is a great pistol to start with. It holds 19+1 rounds of 9mm and is just as lightweight and easy to conceal as the Glock 19. The P80 is more expensive than the 19, but it’s still an affordable pistol.

Why The Glock 19 Might Be A Better Fit For You

If you’re an experienced shooter looking for a gun to use for self-defense, the Glock 19 might be a better fit for you. It has the standard Glock sight, which is smaller than most sights on other guns. This makes it harder to see and less accurate at long range. If you’re looking for a gun to use for home defense and are accurate at short ranges, this may not be an issue. The Glock 19 is also a great choice if you’re looking for a larger capacity 9mm. It’s not too large to conceal, but you can still get a high-capacity magazine. If you’re looking for a gun that’s tried and true and will give you years of reliable service, the Glock 19 may be the right choice for you.

Why The Glock P80 Might Be A Better Fit For You

If you’re an experienced shooter and you want a more compact gun than the Glock 19, the P80 might be a better fit for you. It holds the same number of rounds and has the same stopping power as the 19, but it’s smaller, making it easier to conceal. It’s also a great choice if you’re new to shooting. The P80 is easier to handle and shoot than the 19. If you’re just starting out or have smaller hands, this could be a great option for you. If you want a more feature-rich gun than the Glock 19 but still want the simplicity of Glock, the P80 might be a better fit for you.


The Glock 19 and P80 are both great guns with their own set of pros and cons. Both are tried and true and have been tested in a variety of conditions. Whichever one you choose, you can be sure that it’s a safe and reliable gun that will last for years. If you're looking for some more data points or the best price on a Glock 19 or Glock P80, check out our Glock 19 vs Glock P80 Comparison page by clicking here.


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