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Posted by Psam Asuncion
Dec 20, 2024

Correcting Low and Left (or Low and Right) Shooting: A Guide for Handgun Shooters

Many shooters, both novices and intermediates, encounter the challenge of their shots consistently landing low and to the left (for right-handed individuals) or low and to the right (for left-handed individuals). This issue often stems from improper trigger control and unintentional hand movements rather than equipment malfunction. Understanding and correcting these habits are crucial for enhancing shooting accuracy.

Understanding the Issue

When shots deviate from the intended target, it's typically due to "sympathetic movement"—involuntary motions of the hand or fingers during trigger engagement. Such movements can cause slight, often unnoticed, shifts in the firearm's alignment at the moment of discharge, leading to off-center impacts. For right-handed shooters, this results in shots veering low and left; for left-handed shooters, low and right.

The Role of the "Three Amigos"

In shooting terminology, the "Three Amigos" refer to the middle, ring, and pinky fingers. Excessive pressure or squeezing of these fingers during trigger pull can disrupt muzzle alignment. For instance, in right-handed shooters, tightening these fingers may push the muzzle downward and to the left, causing corresponding shot placement errors.

Exercise for Improved Trigger Control

To address this issue, consider the following drill designed to isolate and train proper trigger finger movement:


  • • Affix a small, one-inch target (pasty) on a safe backdrop.
  • • Position yourself approximately one yard away.

2.Grip Technique:

  • • Hold the firearm using only the thumb, index finger, and the web between them.
  • • Keep the "Three Amigos" disengaged from the grip to prevent unintended pressure.

3.Dry Fire Practice:

  • • With the firearm unloaded, align the sights on the target.
  • • Execute a smooth trigger pull using solely the index finger, ensuring the sights remain steady throughout.
  • • Repeat this process multiple times, maintaining sight stability with each trigger pull.

4. Live Fire Application:

  • • Once consistent stability is achieved during dry fire, proceed to live ammunition.
  • • Begin at close range, gradually increasing distance as proficiency improves.
  • • Focus on isolating trigger finger movement, avoiding engagement of the "Three Amigos."

Progression and Consistency

As confidence and accuracy develop, incrementally increase the shooting distance. If challenges persist, revisit dry fire exercises to reinforce proper technique. Consistent practice is essential for ingraining correct muscle memory and achieving reliable shooting performance.


Addressing the common issue of low and off-center shot placement involves refining trigger control and minimizing involuntary hand movements. By isolating the trigger finger and reducing the influence of the "Three Amigos," shooters can enhance accuracy and overall performance. Regular practice of the outlined drill will contribute to improved marksmanship and confidence on the range.

Psam Asuncion

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